Saturday, June 16, 2012

Angie and Jaren's Wedding

Nate's cousin Angie married her best friend on June 16th.  Nate was asked to be an usher and Kaitlyn was one of the flower girls.  It was a beautiful wedding and so much fun.  Here are some pictures from the weekend.
Kaitlyn and her new shades for being part of the wedding.

Kaitlyn getting her hair done.  At first she was pretty excited, but during the process she thought it was too tight and too hot.  See what us girls have to go through to be beautiful.

Kaitlyn and Cousin Hailey with the beautiful bride Angie.

Flower girls

Kaitlyn and Daddy

Kaitlyn's Hair

So happy to be dressed up.

Kaitlyn and Mommy

A great family picture.  You are probably thinking someone is missing... Yes, Gavin was home with Nana for the night. 

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