Sunday, June 03, 2012

First Boat Trip of the Season

We finally took out our boat for the first time this year.  We went out both Saturday and Sunday, since we knew that we probably wouldn't be using it again until July.  Last year we went out a few times with Gavin, but not enough for him to really recall the experience.

The weather was perfect, but let's just say that Gavin spent most of the time on my lap.  He isn't a big fan of the life jacket just yet.  Don't let the pictures fool you.  Our plan is to have him wear the life jacket at home a little more often so he can get used to it.

Kaitlyn even got to drive the boat for a little bit.  She did pretty good, but loved to keep moving the steering wheel.  She made some nice S shapes behind us. 

Our normal routine of launching our boat is that Nate and the kids get in the boat and I do the truck and trailer.  It was a little more challenging since Gavin isn't a big fan of the life jacket.  This makes it a little harder for Nate while they wait for me to get back to the launch.  I am pretty sure it will get easier the more we go out.

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