Saturday, June 16, 2012

Gavin 16 Months

Gavin had his 15 month appointment yesterday.  I know I am about a month behind on his wellness checks.  Oops.  I guess this is what happens with baby #2. 

Here are is stats:
Height - 30 3/4" - 45%
Weight - 24.4 lbs - 45%
Head - 19" - 75%

Let's see what has changed in the last few months.  Well, he is walking and has been for a few months.  He loves being on the deck.  If we let him I think he would live out there.  We are thankful to Grandpa Tim for building a gate for the stairs.  He loves bread.  I think he could eat it at every meal.  He also loves to just eat.  When he is hungry he wants it now.  There is no waiting.  He also knows what he wants and doesn't want.  If he is done or doesn't like something it gets thrown on the floor.  He knows that Cody is nearby to clean up the mess. 

He loves to talk.  His favorite words right now are: Kitty, Hi (which includes waving), Hot, and Car.  He says mama when he is frustrated or wants something.  He says dada on occasion as well.  He is still a blankie boy.  He likes to sleep with 2 blankets at night or nap time.
Here is Gavin and Bopapa with matching hats.

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