Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve we met Nana and Bapa at Church.  We enjoyed a wonderful service and then headed back to our house for dinner and presents.  Gavin had a blast opening presents this year.  The first present he opened was from Kaitlyn.  He got really excited as he started to rip the wrapping paper.  It was a monster truck and trailer with dirt bikes.  It was hard to get him to open more presents as he just wanted to play with his new truck.

He kept saying... Wow!

Gavin playing with his new truck and trailer.  We had to take the dirt bikes off it as he kept breaking them.

Kaitlyn's turn at opening more presents.

Thanks Bapa for a new LeapPad 2.  She hasn't stopped playing with it since we set it up.

Gavin helping Nana open her present!

Once Gavin realized what happens when he opened presents... he didn't want to stop.

Nana opening her new coffee mug!

Bapa opening his new slippers.

Gavin snuggling with Nana!

In a box!

Gavin wearing Mommy's Christmas Present from Bapa.

After all the excitement we got ready for bed and made a plate of cookies and carrots for Santa and the reindeer and headed to bed!

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