Sunday, December 23, 2012

Lucy our Elf

A little Elf joined our family right after Thanksgiving!  She came all the way from the North Pole to keep an eye on Kaitlyn and Gavin.  Every night she would fly back to the North Pole to report to Santa on if they were Naughty or Nice!  Her name is Lucy.  When she would return from the North Pole she would find a different place to sit during the day.

Every morning Kaitlyn and Gavin would go in search of Lucy.  A lot of time Gavin would find her first!  He would get so excited to find her.  A few mornings she was in the same location as the previous day (oops... forgot to move her)... and Kaitlyn would want a full explanation... except one morning... she comes over to me and says... "Mom I have to tell you something."  I said... "what is it?" - Kaitlyn "Well, I may have or may not have touched Lucy... and maybe that is why she didn't go to the North Pole to report to Santa."  If you don't know... Lucy has special Christmas Magic that allows her to fly to the North Pole at night. She will lose her Christmas magic if you touch her.  I explained to Kaitlyn I would email Santa and explain.  The next night she returned to flying to the North Pole.  Crisis solved!  Good thing Santa has email.  :)

After about 3 weeks of Lucy visiting us... she ran out of fun places to hang out during the day.  Kaitlyn kept track of how many time she visited the Christmas Tree... that would be 3 times. 

Lucy has now returned back to the North Pole to hang out with the other elves until next December!  Now I just hope I remember where I put her a year from now. 

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