Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Santa Came!

I guess Lucy gave Santa a good report and he delivered presents to our house this year.  Kaitlyn woke up about 1:30 am to have me go with her to the bathroom.  She didn't want to go by herself because of Santa.  (Normally she doesn't want me to get up with her.) 

Around 7:15 am it was time to go an check if Santa came.  We headed downstairs to check the stockings...
Santa came!

Attempt #1 on getting a picture of the 2.

Attempt #2 a little better.

Attempt #3

Yeah!  A new toothbrush!

Gavin wasn't too sure about everything!


Games for Kaitlyn's new LeapPad

Later in the afternoon after Gavin's nap we headed to Uncle Randy's parents house.  We had wonderful food, great company, and a few presents!  Thank you to Big Randy and Betsy for having our family over on Christmas!

Brady and his new vacuum. 

My cute nephew Brady making a funny face.

 Family Picture... the best one I could find.

 Kaitlyn and Gavin playing Pac-Man.

 Uncle Nate and Brady!
Aunty Nikki and Brady

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