Monday, April 08, 2013

No Training Wheels

After 6 days of not feeling well and the weather finally nice enough to spend some time outside... Kaitlyn learned how to ride her bike with no training wheels!  We had attempted to do this the week earlier, but after about 15 minutes we decided to put the training wheels back on.

Kaitlyn and I decided it was time to try again.  I took her training wheels off and headed to the street.  We tried a couple of times while I held onto the back of the seat.  Every time she realized I had taken my hand off she would let go of the handle bars and reach for me to grab her.  The funny part was she was actually riding her bike before she realized I had let go. 

We stopped and had a little pep talk about not letting go and to keep pedaling... and guess what... she did it!  Literally we spent about 15 minutes with me holding on.  She did fall a couple of times, but got right back up.  She was so excited to show all the neighbors that were outside.  She would yell... "It's my first time! I am riding without training wheels." 

Look no training wheels!

She is still learning to start on her own.  That can get a little tricky.  Her next steps is to master turning around without stopping.

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