Sunday, June 30, 2013


We signed Kaitlyn up for the Crow River Soccer Club for the summer.  Every Tuesday and Thursday they spend 30 minutes doing drills and than 30 minutes playing an actual game against an opposing team.  Kaitlyn is on Brayden and Kaylee's team with Aimee as their coach.

Kaylee (#6), Kaitlyn (#7), Brayden (#8)

Kaitlyn (#7) and Kaylee doing a soccer drill


Getting ready to score a goal on Coach Aimee

A breakaway!

Go Kaitlyn!

What we do on the sidelines during soccer!

Best Friends!

So cute!

Kaitlyn likes soccer and does really good during the practise drills.  During game time she only runs with the group, but will rarely try to kick the ball.  There have been a few times the ball has gone directly to her and than she will kick it. 

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Spontaneous Saturday Night fun at the Races

Finally we had a weekend had home with no plans.  It was so nice to not have to plan meals, pack clothes, and rush home to head out of town for the weekend.  Saturday we spent the day running errands and just hanging out.  We heard that it was free admission night at the Arlington Dirt Race Track, so we packed a quick bag of snacks and headed to the races.

It was pretty busy, but we managed to find a spot for the four of us.  We weren't sure how Gavin would do sitting for 3+ hours, but we were hoping the race cars would be enough to entertain him.

Gavin made it to the last race before falling asleep on Nate.  Kaitlyn stayed up and loved watching the cars crash.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Kaitlyn looses her first tooth!

A few weeks ago Kaitlyn announced that she had a loose tooth.  We have had a few false alarms when her friends had lost a tooth, but finally it was Kaitlyn's turn.  On Friday on our way out of town to go camping... she lost her first tooth in the truck.

At first she was a little scared with all the blood, but when she realized that the tooth fairy was going to be coming to the camper that night... she got excited.

Before bed we had to write a quick note to the tooth fairy..
Dear Tooth fairy,
Please leave my tooth.
Thank you, Kaitlyn

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Finally Summer!

It finally feels like summer!!!  Yes, we have had a LOT of rain, but the temperatures are in the 80's and when it isn't raining we are outside enjoying it. 

Father's day was no exception to nice weather...(except for the storm that rolled through unexpectedly after dinner.) We headed over to our best friend's the Eggiman's for a day on the lake.
Boat's in the water... It's officially summer!

Kaitlyn getting ready to try the rope swing.  She decided she was too scared after I took this picture...

Brayden ready to show Kaitlyn it's not scary!

Brayden showing us how Kaitlyn was scared earlier.

She did it!

Kaitlyn and Kaylee

Gavin and Ashlynn ready for a boat ride, but not too excited for a picture.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Mommy and Daughter Trip

Kaitlyn and I took a little road trip with my papa (aka: Bopa) to Perham, MN for my cousin's daughter's wedding. The weather was perfect! 
Mommy and Kaitlyn after the ceremony!
My papa and I!
Kaitlyn waiting to throw confetti at the bride and groom which never happened because the bride had to go to the ER for a migraine before the reception.


Uncle Jim, Kaitlyn, and I

Uncle Jim

Kaitlyn drinking "wine".  She was so excited to have her own wine glass of water!

My cousin Michelle (Mother of the bride) and Kaitlyn

Kaitlyn and Sophie

Friday, June 14, 2013

Kaitlyn and Sophie

For the last 6 months or so Kaitlyn has been asking for an American Girl Doll.  We told she had to save her money for one.  We thought this would be a good thing for her to start learning the value of money.  Well, Sophie arrived after 4 long days of waiting after we ordered her on-line instead of going to the store.

She was named "Sophie" after the show "Sofia the first".  Kaitlyn wanted to leave off "the first", but spell it Sophie. 

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

All Boy!

I took Gavin to his 2 year wellness check... I know he turned 2 in February, but with all the sickness going around this winter I didn't want to bring my healthy little boy in for his check-up. 

His Stats:
Height: 2' 11" - 42%
Weight: 30 lbs. 6 oz - 64%

He is becoming a daddy's boy!  When we are in the car he likes to point out all the trucks, boats, and tractors... and if Daddy doesn't respond Gavin will keep telling him.

He also is starting to say 2 sentance phrases.  "Daddy's Hat!", "Help Me!"

He call's Kaitlyn - "K"

He loves Go Squeeze Apple Sauces.  If we let him he would eat 10 a day.  I just wish they weren't so expensive. 

Here is Gavin trying to help daddy get the boat out of the dirt.  It got stuck from all the rain we have seen.