Wednesday, June 05, 2013

All Boy!

I took Gavin to his 2 year wellness check... I know he turned 2 in February, but with all the sickness going around this winter I didn't want to bring my healthy little boy in for his check-up. 

His Stats:
Height: 2' 11" - 42%
Weight: 30 lbs. 6 oz - 64%

He is becoming a daddy's boy!  When we are in the car he likes to point out all the trucks, boats, and tractors... and if Daddy doesn't respond Gavin will keep telling him.

He also is starting to say 2 sentance phrases.  "Daddy's Hat!", "Help Me!"

He call's Kaitlyn - "K"

He loves Go Squeeze Apple Sauces.  If we let him he would eat 10 a day.  I just wish they weren't so expensive. 

Here is Gavin trying to help daddy get the boat out of the dirt.  It got stuck from all the rain we have seen.

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