Sunday, June 30, 2013


We signed Kaitlyn up for the Crow River Soccer Club for the summer.  Every Tuesday and Thursday they spend 30 minutes doing drills and than 30 minutes playing an actual game against an opposing team.  Kaitlyn is on Brayden and Kaylee's team with Aimee as their coach.

Kaylee (#6), Kaitlyn (#7), Brayden (#8)

Kaitlyn (#7) and Kaylee doing a soccer drill


Getting ready to score a goal on Coach Aimee

A breakaway!

Go Kaitlyn!

What we do on the sidelines during soccer!

Best Friends!

So cute!

Kaitlyn likes soccer and does really good during the practise drills.  During game time she only runs with the group, but will rarely try to kick the ball.  There have been a few times the ball has gone directly to her and than she will kick it. 

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