Sunday, June 16, 2013

Finally Summer!

It finally feels like summer!!!  Yes, we have had a LOT of rain, but the temperatures are in the 80's and when it isn't raining we are outside enjoying it. 

Father's day was no exception to nice weather...(except for the storm that rolled through unexpectedly after dinner.) We headed over to our best friend's the Eggiman's for a day on the lake.
Boat's in the water... It's officially summer!

Kaitlyn getting ready to try the rope swing.  She decided she was too scared after I took this picture...

Brayden ready to show Kaitlyn it's not scary!

Brayden showing us how Kaitlyn was scared earlier.

She did it!

Kaitlyn and Kaylee

Gavin and Ashlynn ready for a boat ride, but not too excited for a picture.

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