Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Wow, Christmas arrived with a beautiful snowfall and sickness at our house.  Nate wasn't feeling well, so he stayed home on Christmas Eve.  The kids and I headed to my sister house for a fun night of family, food, and presents.  When we left there was a nice blanket of snow on my car and a slow drive home.  Even though Nate wasn't feeling well he still had to plow Christmas Eve.
I found this on Facebook and it is so true.

Nate left when we got home and I just hoped he would be home in-time to see if Santa visited our house.  In the morning the kids woke me up at 7 wanting to know if Santa came... We went downstairs and found that he did come...
All our stockings filled with presents from Santa!

The good news is that Daddy was able to make it home to see that Santa came.  Unfortunately, he still wasn't feeling well so he went back to bed.  So we spent the morning playing with our new toys and waiting for Grandma and Grandpa McNeilly to come over.

In the afternoon Kaitlyn, Bopa, and Mommy went to see the movie Frozen.  We had so much fun eating popcorn and watching the movie.  When we got home we spent time with Grandma and Grandpa!

Nate ended up going to the doctor and he found out he had Pneumonia.  Not a fun way to spend Christmas, but at least we were together for most of the time.  This is also the reason there are a lack of pictures from Christmas.  

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