Saturday, December 07, 2013

Monster Jam

We headed to the Metrodome for the last time on Saturday night.  We decided to take the kids to Monster Jam.  Gavin has really been into his Hot Wheels Monster Trucks and since they are tearing down the Metrodome soon we thought we should go.  We bought the tickets on Friday, so our seats weren't the best, but we had a blast.
Kaitlyn was a little nervous because we were really high up.  She got used to it pretty quickly and never said another word about being scared of heights. 

I had never been to a Monster Jam before so I honestly had no idea what to expect!  It was loud and exciting!

Kind of blurry, but we were happy we brought these.  Even though we were near the top... it was REALLY LOUD!

Gavin being silly!

Gavin loves to take pictures of himself!

Everyone knows that when you leave events like this... getting out of the venue and the parking lots is a nightmare!  We ended up staying to the end, but got to the stairs immediately after the show.  This allowed us to get ahead of the crowd.  Once we got to the main hallway... Gavin went on Nate's shoulders and I held onto Kaitlyn.  The kids loved being pushed out the door.  (My favorite part as well.)  Than we high tailed it  back to the car.  We were out of the parking lot just as I finished buckling Gavin into his car seat.  I was impressed with our speed and we were home in no time.

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