Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Kaitlyn's New Adventure

This fall Kaitlyn wanted to ride a BIG horse, so we got connected with MaryEllen and Roudy!  On most Saturdays Kaitlyn will spend an hour learning about horses and actually riding Roudy.  She has learned everything from grooming, different types of saddles, getting on and off a horse safetly, how to talk to a horse, and the list goes on and on.  Honestly I did not know much about horses, but now I do.  They are amazing animals and can give children the confidence they need.

A few weeks ago Kaitlyn and Nate went for her weekly riding lesson.  I had asked Nate to take some pictures since it had been awhile.  Well, he delivered and got a lot of cool pictures.

A couple of things...
1. I had never seen a horse in the winter... only in the summer.  Their fur (if that is what you call it) in the summer is smooth and silky... but in the winter it is thick and very teddy bear like.  They look so different.

2. During this lesson Kaitlyn rode bareback.  Here are a lots of pictures from her lesson!

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