Saturday, June 28, 2014

Doyle Wedding

Nate's friend Jeff got married on June 28th.  Nate was asked to be in the wedding as a Groomsmen earlier in the year.  Than about a week before the wedding they asked if Gavin would be a ring bear.  Of course we couldn't say no, so I quick went on Amazon and found a Dark Gray Suit for Gavin to wear.  Kaitlyn was a little disappointed when I told them they didn't need a last minute flower girl, but I did buy her a cute "wedding" dress so she wouldn't feel left out.  About 4 days before the wedding they asked if Kaitlyn could be the flower girl.  (Hind sight I am so glad that I decided to get Kaitlyn a new dress.)  I said she could, but had no time to find a dress and that they would have to be happy with the dress I had already purchased.  (Ironically the wedding color was purple and Kaitlyn's dress was white with purple flowers.)  I guess it was meant to be.  Here are some pictures from a few days before the wedding and the day of the wedding.  We were all too busy and I completely forgot to take family pictures.  (Bummer because we all looked so nice.)

Gavin loved wearing his suit that I had to hide it so he wouldn't wear it until the wedding.

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