Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Kaitlyn - First Grade

Wow - who knew that First Grade would go by so fast!  Kaitlyn had an amazing teacher: Courtney Johnson!  She started in a new school and grew so much in one year!  Here are some pictures from the school year that her teach took and gave to us.

End of the year party in Ms. Johnson's class.  It was fun to watch all the kids do their skits.

Ms. Johnson and Kaitlyn

A cute picture of Kaitlyn that her teacher took during track and field day.

I was able to take the day off and go to the end of the year field trip.  We started the day at the Children's Museum and ended the day at Como Zoo.  It was a perfect day to spend with an amazing group of 1st Graders.

Kaitlyn's First Grade Class at Como Zoo

Kaitlyn on the last day of 1st grade!

Here is a side by side of the first and last day of school.  Wow - she surely grew up from the fall.  Not a little girl anymore!

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