Friday, June 06, 2014

Two 5K's in 24 hours

Timing is everything... I had signed up to do another fun 5K at the State Fair grounds called the Electric Run.  The race started at dark, so it wasn't until 10:30 that we finished the race.  This race wrapped around the fair grounds with lots of fun things to see.  I ran with Angie Maetzold and we actually ran the whole race.  Yeah!  This was the first 5K that I didn't walk.  I was so happy that I accomplished a race.  My run maybe slow (10-11 minute) miles, but at least I was running is my thought.

Pre-Race Photo: Nikki, Jennifer Jackson, Alicia Hilk, Angie Maetzold, Stacy Henning

My race buddy!

After race photo! 

After race photo under the black lights!

The next morning was the Mayer 5K race.  I had signed up earlier in the spring to train for a 5K course offered in-town.  Of course I had already ran a few 5K's and I thought it would be a good opportunity for me practice and learn some new techniques for running.

Kaitlyn participated in the kids 1 mile and did awesome.  It was raining, but we made the most of it.
Kaitlyn finishing the race!

Way to go Kaitlyn!

Mid Race!

Almost to the finish Line!

Completed!  And I ran the whole time again!!!

This race was timed.  I finished in 36:52 minutes! (11:52 per mile)  My best time so far.  Some experienced 5K's may think this is slow, but for me... It was a victory!  After 2 races in 24 hours I got home and spent a little bit of time in the hot tub recovering.

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