Sunday, February 25, 2007

Thank Goodness for Snow Blowers

My weekend started out on Friday with a trip to the Grocery Store. I wanted to stock up just in case I decided to spend the weekend at home. A pregnant woman can never be too prepared. I woke up on Saturday morning with iced up windows, but no snow! As the day continued the snow came and stayed until Sunday morning. Good thing my dad came out to start getting the walls ready to paint and he took me out for dinner. Otherwise, I would have stayed in the house all weekend. Here are some pictures of what I found when I opened the garage door this morning.

I am so thankful that my dad donated his old snow blower to Nate and I. I don't know what I would have done if we did not have the snow blower. Cody spent most of the morning running around in the snow. He had so much fun it was hard to get him back in the house.

After I got done with the entire driveway the snowplow came through again. (Which I knew would happen.) So, after a quick nap. (Okay 2 hours) I went out and cleaned up the end of the driveway and the mail boxes.
This picture was taken the first time I did the driveway. It took awhile to get the end of the driveway cleared from the snowplow.

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