Friday, September 26, 2008

A Montage of Activities

Our Last Boat Trip of the Summer!

Last Saturday we decided to go on the boat. It may have been our last outing for the summer. Kaitlyn loves going on the boat. She does get tired of the life jacket since she can't move around very well. I keep telling her that once she grows a little bigger it won't bother her so much. She loves going fast and over waves... she has some of her daddy's racing blood in her.

Her favorite part of the whole boating adventure was helping daddy steer. She loved sitting on his lap and looking around and having the wind blowing on her face.

Random Pictures and Thoughts!

Kaitlyn is learning so much so fast that it is hard to keep up. She loves to stand and walk around everything in the house. She thinks that Nate and I are jungle gyms that she can play on when we are laying the floor. (Cody does too!) Her newest thing is standing by herself for a few seconds at a time. She usually falls once she realizes that she is not holding onto anything. I think her longest time was 30 seconds. She is starting to get tooth number two. The good news is that she doesn't get too cranky, but has to have something in her mouth at all times.

Kaitlyn's favorite toy right now is her Dora car she got from her Auntie Anny for her 1st birthday. She gets so excited when we go outside and walk up and down the street. It can keep her entertained for a good 30 minutes because of all the buttons and noises it makes.

Kaitlyn is a talker. Yesterday when we were doing our nightly Dora scooter ride she just talked away. I am not sure what she was saying, but she had lots to say. Here is a video of Kaitlyn talking. It is kind of dark, but you can listen to her talk about her day.

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