Monday, August 31, 2009

It's Just Begun!

Ever since Kaitlyn's 2nd birthday I have noticed that she is really learning more and more everyday. She loves to repeat sentences. She has started to say "Luv ya" back to us. We are also starting to learn colors and numbers of objects. Our next big task is potty training. We have all the tools and we are now starting learn about them. She loves reading her Potty book she got for her birthday. She also is intrigued with the new potty chair in the bathroom. The problem is that she likes to take out the bowl which will someday hold her pee and poop. I am a little nervous about this. I pray she doesn't do this when she has a successful potty! Kaitlyn pretending to go potty in her new big girl potty. She wasn't too excited about it, but now talks about it all the time.

On Saturday morning as I was getting her dressed she decided she wanted to add accessories to her outfit. See below:

If you can't tell... these are bloomers that go under her dress to cover up her diaper. She thought she was so funny....
Of course we weren't done with just one pair... so she had me put on another one. The whole time she would say... "Kaitlyn silly!" and laugh! I almost left them on for the whole day, but decided against it.
Kaitlyn needed to add to her silliness by climbing on her crib. The good news is that she has never tried to climb out of her crib. I am crossing my fingers she won't ever try... before we move her to a big girl bed.

1 comment:

Deejay said...

Add me on mega if you want to trade