Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Kaitlyn's 2nd Birthday Party

Sunday we celebrated Kaitlyn's 2nd birthday. She didn't really understand the party was for her, but she enjoyed opening presents and eating her cupcake. Here are some pictures a video from the day.

Kaitlyn opening one of her presents. Every present she opened she would turn to me and say "open". We would have to distract her with a new present to unwrap.

After I started the unwrapping process Kaitlyn didn't take long to get to the actual present.

Kaitlyn wasn't too sure about the candle on top of her cupcake. She also got the cool placemat with her name it as a present too.

Kaitlyn really enjoyed when everyone was signing to her. At first she wasn't too sure, but when she realized she was the center of attention she loved it.

Kaitlyn wasn't too sure about how to blow out the candle.

Here is Kaitlyn, Cousin Darren, and my sisters dog (Teeney) in the wagon Bopapa got for her. She loves to open and shut the door, but I have taught her that the door is stuck when we are walking.

It got pretty warm in the afternoon, so all the kids got Popsicles to cool off. We will just have to say that we needed an outfit change after.

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