Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Happy 2nd Birthday to our Little Girl

To my little Girl on her birthday!

Kaitlyn you are really growing into a beautiful little girl. You definitely are a mommy's girl too! Everyday you learn and say new things. You love playing with your babies and helping mommy and daddy around the house. We are truly blessed to have you in our lives.

Here are a few things that you are up to these days.
* You love going to the park. You have no fear and will climb up anything no matter how high it is. You like to scare mommy by hanging over the edge or climbing up the slide.

* You are a blankie girl. We have 3 pink blankies, but really you only like 2 of them. Whenever you get hurt you don't want mommy or daddy.... you want your blankie and nukie.

* You love to say what you see... your favorite things to point out are: Motorcycles, trucks, horses (even though you are scared of them up close), rain or anything related to water.

* You love going on the boat and you know it goes in the water. You aren't a big fan of cold lake water just like your mommy. You take naps on the boat and don't mind wearing your life jacket!
* You love walks and being outside.

Last night Daddy brought home 2 babies and a baby buggy from one of his clients from work. You were so excited you danced around and wouldn't eat dinner without at least one of your babies.

Happy 2nd Birthday Kaitlyn! We love watching you grow into a little lady!

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