Monday, August 24, 2009

Kaitlyn's 2 year stats

I took Kaitlyn to her 2 year wellness check this past Friday. She is such a big girl now that she gets to stand on the scale and against the wall to check her weight and height. No more stripping down to the diaper and laying down on the scale.

32" Tall - 10% - Hey at least we are on the curve now.
25 lbs - 50% - Wow - we are moving in the right direction.
18 1/4 head size - 25%

We also had her blood tested for lead and when they pricked her finger she didn't even cry. She was very intrigued with the My Little Pony band aid the whole way home.

This weekend has also brought out a few more milestones...
* She has proclaimed her toys as "mine" and makes sure you know this. Especially if it relates to anything for her babies.
* When she wants to go outside she says "side" and last night when I said "No." She asked "Why?" - I hope this isn't the start of the "whys"!

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