Tuesday, September 02, 2014

First Day of School

This was the first year both Kaitlyn and Gavin went to school.  Kaitlyn started 2nd Grade at Watertown/Mayer Elementary School.  Her teacher is Mrs. Boerner and we love her.  She is an amazing teacher.
My Sassy 2nd Grader.

Nana came over to send Kaitlyn off to school!

Not as happy to be taking pictures of her getting on the bus.

Gavin started 3 year old Preschool at Zion Lutheran School in Mayer this year.  His teacher is Mrs. Wilaby which I think is the perfect last name for a teacher.  She is amazing as well.  

Gavin and Nana on the first day of school.

Since I am writing this blog post several months after the start of the school year.  I can tell you that Gavin is not a huge fan of school.  Every night he asks if he is going to school tomorrow.  If I say YES, he gets upset.  (He only goes to school Tuesday and Thursdays from 8:30 - 11am).  If you ask him if he had fun at school he will respond NO.  The funny part of this whole thing is when I see pictures of him at school he is smiling.  At least he stopped crying when we dropped him off at before school care.

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