Saturday, September 13, 2014

Nickle Dickle Day and 10K

Since I had several 5K's under my belt it was time to go outside my comfort zone and run the 10K during Waconia's Nickle Dickle Day.  This summer I had participated in a 90 day fitness challenge and part of our August challenge we had to run 6.4 miles.  This gave me the courage to run the 10K in a race format.  It was challenging, but I did it.  My time was 1:07:53 - not bad for my first 10K.  Next summer I will try to get under 1 hour.
Shape it Up Fitness - 90 Day challenge racers

Rounding the corner to the finish line.  I was so happy to be at the end.

Post run celebration with Jenny Nace and her Sister.

Celebrating after the race.

Nana, Brady and Gavin cheering me on during the race.

My official race number

After the race we enjoyed all the festivities in downtown Waconia for Nickle Dickle Day.

We had a great day!  So happy for the sunshine and warm weather.

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