Thursday, September 11, 2008

A Handful of Posts

My Toothless Baby has a tooth...

Kaitlyn got her first tooth the other day. I was giving her a bath and while drying her off... I saw a little tooth peaking through.... It is the top right tooth... Of course that night she had a hard time sleeping, but nothing a little Tylenol can't help. We are also starting to see 2 more teeth poking through... pretty soon she will be catching up with all her teethe friends.
Big Girl on the Block
Last night Kaitlyn and I were practising walking... We used a walking toy that she got from her Grandma and Grandpa McNeilly. She was so proud of herself.

We had to take several takes on this video... As you can tell she loves nilla wafers... that is why her shirt is so dirty.

Before and After

A few weeks ago Nate and I did phase One of our re-landscaping. (Actually, Nate did a lot of the work - I just helped where needed.) Here are some pictures before and after... We still need to do the landscaping around the house, the backyard, and build a deck.
Here is the Before Picture! Sorry for all the equipment in the picture....

Here is the finished product - We plan on painting our name on the rock... maybe next spring.

Here is a before picture of our mailbox and lovely electrical boxes we have in our yard.

Much better.... The Hostas and the mulch make it look so much nice... and now we don't have to mow around everything.

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