Friday, September 19, 2008

It Could Only Happen To Me!!!

First I would like to point out that this is why I am called Drama Queen... I don't create the Drama... it just happens to me.

Yesterday around 4:15pm... I was getting ready to leave work. My normal routine is to use the restroom before my long drive home. (Side note: I predicted this to happen and it did.) After using the facilities and washing my hands... I went to unlock and open the door... It wouldn't open... the door knob would turn, but the door would not open. Yicks... So, I frantically knock on the door. Lisa my co-worker came to my rescue, but she too could not open the door. After rounding up a few more of my co-workers... we started creating plans on my escape. First... the screws to take the door knob off are on my side of the door... Great! We can't fit a screw driver under the door... My creative co-workers shoved parts of tools for me to use to remove the door knob. (Good news... my cell phone fits under the door. This made me feel a lot better.)

I want to personally thank my co-workers for making this situation humorous so that I would not panic. I really thought we would have to call the fire department to come and bust me out of the bathroom. After about 15 minutes I was able to unscrew the door knob and they got me out.

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