Thursday, September 04, 2008

Last Summer Weekend

Labor Day weekend Nate, Kaitlyn and I went camping. We meet Nate's family for a weekend of being outside, sleeping in a camper, and smores by the campfire. This was Kaitlyn's first camping experience and she loved it. (Wait did I say where we were camping... Well, we were in Maple Grove.) Most would not consider this camping, but not once did I feel that we were that close to the cities. The campground is very wooded and perfect for a weekend away.

Kaitlyn loved crawling around outside and eating leaves, dirt, and grass... Most of the time - I would tell her icky and she would spit it out. She also enjoyed playing with her cousins. The nice part of camping so close to home is that when it is time to leave... you don't have to sit in the car for several hours before spending the rest of the day unpacking, doing laundry, and getting ready for the week ahead.

Kaitlyn had such an exhausting weekend (or she didn't want to help pack). She fell asleep while we got ready to leave.

Oops! Did I do that?

First a disclosure... Nate parked the car in the garage the night before... Here is what happened. A few Mondays ago as I was CAREFULLY backing out of the garage I broke my side view mirror.

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