Monday, September 15, 2008

The Weekend

Jessa and Andrew's Wedding
This past Saturday my good friends Jessa and Andrew got married. Even though it rained... it was a perfect day. Here are some pictures from their big day.

Here is Nate and I enjoying the reception... Kaitlyn stayed home with Grandma and Grandpa McNeilly.

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew and Jessa Pike..... and me!!!! They looked amazing!

Here is myself, the beautiful Bride, and Kristin (Matron of Honor).

Stupid Dog Award!

Cody gets the Stupid Dog award this week. Sometime last week... we think Wednesday or Thursday... Cody decided to eat part of the bed sheet that was in his kennel. First I would like to point out... this bed sheet had been in his kennel for over a year now... so, why he decided to eat it now... I really don't know.

Anyway... for the last several days... he has been throwing up and pooping parts of this bed sheet. I will just put it this way... for how much I have seen come out of him... I am surprised it didn't bother him. If you looked at him and knew how he acted we would never know that he ate a bed sheet. Even though he was acting normal I was still concerned so I decided to call the Emergency Vet... (Side note: We are to leave for my friends wedding in 30 minutes.) Here is our conversation:

Nikki: "My dog ate a bed sheet and has been throwing up pieces of it for the last 2-3 days!"

Emergency Vet: "Well, you need to bring him in right away!"

Nikki: "How much do you think this will cost?"

Emergency Vet: "It is $108.00 just to see him plus any other tests we have to do."

Nikki: "What if we don't bring him in?"

Emergency Vet: "Well, there is nothing you can do for him at home... and he might die."

Nikki: "Okay, thank you!"

Let's just say that I was not very happy with this conversation... He is acting normal so can you just give me some signs to watch for???? I tried again by calling another vet that happened to be open... they were very helpful and told me what to watch for and when I should bring him to the Emergency Vet.... So, as of today.... Cody seems to have worked through the bed sheet.

1 comment:

Hoffrooe said...

That is a funny conversation, and I am glad you found the second vet who has the sensibility that you have and all must have really when owning dumb dogs who eat linens. :)

Maybe he wanted you to go to Target and get him something new for the fall.