Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Last Friday as Nate and I were packing up for our trip to Mora, Kaitlyn surprised us again. Nate was busy loading up the truck while I was in the kitchen wrapping a few last gifts. Kaitlyn was near the gate on the top of stairs. As I was in the kitchen I heard the gate move. (Sometimes it doesn't close all the way.)

I called for Kaitlyn to come see me and only heard silence. (Which is never a good sign. That means she is up to something.) As I turned the corner... there she was half way down the stairs. She was holding onto the railing and carefully taking walking down the stairs with Cody right next to her. I can't believe it. She knows how to carefully go down stairs. What? Everytime I have seen her... she just wants to walk right off the top stair.

When Nate got back inside I explained what happened and we tried to replay the episode, but with me holding onto Kaitlyn's hand... Guess what? She just tried to step off the top stair. I guess she knows what to do without me.

She sure does surprise me everyday.

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