Friday, December 19, 2008

A Visit with Nana!

This past weekend my mom came to visit from Texas. We had a very eventful weekend. Kaitlyn of course entertained us. Here are some pictures from her visit.

Here is Kaitlyn on her new four wheeler. She has learned how to push the button to make it go.
We went to the Macy's 8th Floor Display on Friday. Kaitlyn loved looking at all the elves.
After we walked through the Macy's Display we went to watch Hollidazzle Parade. We didn't make it all the way through because it was below zero wind chills.

Here is a picture of Kaitlyn and Nana!

Kaitlyn getting ready to go outside for the Hollidazzle. It took some work, but she can sure get around with all her winter gear on.
Here is Daddy feeding Kaitlyn to the Dinosaurs. She thought it was funny!

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