Tuesday, September 14, 2010

And Than There Were Four!

We would like to tell our favorite blog readers... that our family of three will be a family of four on March 25th, 2011.  It could be sooner knowing my track record.  My doctor recommended that I take fish oil supplements.  This is suppose to reduce pre-mature labor and delivery... but what if I liked going 5 weeks early and not having to deal with the last few weeks of pregnancy? 

I have been told that each pregnancy is different and I can now say that I agree.  This pregnancy has been tolerable, but annoying.  I am always tired.  Nauseous in the afternoon and evening.  Mornings are the best for me.  The most annoying part is I have very little bladder control.  (I know TMI, but I like to share.)  It all started when I was pregnant with Kaitlyn.  Every time I would sneeze and had a full bladder.... I had a good chance of peeing my pants.  (Classy).... Well now, it's worse.  I have a cold and cough and I pee my pants all the time.  I am thinking that I should invest in some Depends.  (Okay, it's not that bad, but just annoying.)  I know that I should be doing my Kegel exercises, but who has time for that or thinks about doing them. 

Kaitlyn is convinced that she is having a baby sister.  We are going to wait until the delivery to find out.  We just want a happy and healthy baby.  (Of course we want the perfect family of one boy and one girl...) 

We had an ultrasound at 8 weeks to confirm my due date.  The ultrasound tech says... "You have a beautiful baby."  I respond... "Yep, It looks more like a blob to me." ... the tech than says... "Well next week it will have it's arms and legs... and the week after that all the fingers and toes." 

Cravings are not prominent right now.  I feel like I need to eat all the time to curb my nausea.  Good thing my weight gain isn't showing that yet.  Of course I am at that fun stage.... of... "Is she pregnant or just getting fat.?"  At about 8 weeks I popped out, but have stayed the same for the last 4 weeks.
12 Weeks

1 comment:

Mindi said...

This is so exciting. Hopefully you start to feel better soon and I am with you who needs the last 5 weeks anyways, although I am sure it helps. I wouldn't know. You don't even look like you are showing, but I know you feel like it. Can't wait for the next update.