Thursday, September 30, 2010

Joys of Being Pregnant

Friday I will be 15 weeks pregnant.  Only 25 more weeks to go.  March just seems so far away.  Oh well, I get to wish Winter away, so I am not complaining!  The good news is my extreme exhaustion and nausea is over for the most part.  I am sleeping better and enjoying watching my belly grow.  I am trying to embrace my 2nd Trimester as much as I can because once I reach the 3rd Trimester I am back to feeling uncomfortable, tired, and ready to be done.

The last week has been rather interesting.  First I have a horrible cold/cough that just won't go away. (The coughing doesn't help with my bladder control issues.) I went to our family doctor to get checked out.  She prescribed me a Z-pac which is really not working and noticed my Thyroid felt "generous".  ( I guess that is what they use to describe a Thyroid.)  So, I called my OB to get it tested.  The results came back that my Thyroid is Low.  So, back to my OB doctor for more tests.  The good news is that in further tests... my T3 and T4 levels are still within the normal range.  Now we just need to monitor every 3-4 weeks.

Another fun adventure was I had some bleeding this past weekend.  It's never a fun experience to see blood while being pregnant.  Now this didn't freak me out as much as I thought, since I had this same experience with Kaitlyn at 12 weeks.  I wasn't experiencing any cramping, so we decided to just wait it out.  Within 24 hours the bleeding was pretty much done and we were back on track.

Of course I went into the doctor after the weekend to just make sure nothing was out of the ordinary.  He checked the heartbeat - 150 and my cervix.  All is good!  His only advice was to NOT start exercising.  While I can surely take that advice.

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