Monday, September 13, 2010

Kaitlyn's 3 Year Stats

We took Kaitlyn to her 3 year wellness check-up.  Here are her stats from what I remember.

Height - 50%
Weight - 3% - 29 lbs.

There is a slight concern for her weight, but she is a very picky eater.  If we would let her she would eat noodles every night for dinner.   At 2 year wellness appointment she was in the 50% tile for weight.  The good news is she following the growth chart perfectly.  When she was born she didn't even make the chart for height, so now she is holding strong in the middle.

At the end of the appointment she had a Flu shot, which she did not like at all!  My mom came and waited for us in the lobby.  When Kaitlyn saw her she started crying all over again (after I had her calmed down) and she told me mom.  "Nana, the doctor appointment hurt me."  Poor girl.

This week at preschool Kaitlyn had the sharing bag and got to bring something to share with her classmates.  Kaitlyn decided to bring her "crying baby".  We aren't sure why she calls it her "crying baby" since it doesn't make any noises.  My mom thinks it is because this is the baby she keeps giving shots too and always seems to be crying when she is playing pretend daycare. 
Nana and Kaitlyn being silly!

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