Tuesday, September 07, 2010

First Day of Preschool

Today was Kaitlyn's First Day of Preschool at Zion Lutheran.  Kaitlyn was so excited to go to school.  Nana and mommy brought Kaitlyn to school and she knew just what to do.  She hung up her backpack and than went straight into the classroom.  She found her name tag and put it on the door.  I guess they learned this at the Open House we went to last week.  I was impressed she remembered.
Kaitlyn getting ready to go to school with her new backpack and new outfit.

Her new backpack is almost as big as her.

Kaitlyn and daddy waiting to go to school.

Kaitlyn ready for school to start.

After her first day we asked her what she did at school.  She said "I had banana's at school."  We asked, "What else did you do?"  Kaitlyn's response... "umm.  I don't remember."

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