Thursday, November 30, 2006


I never thought that I would have blog about my dentist experience today, but as luck would have it I am. Actually, the appointment went well. No cavities and everything looks good. It is what happened after the appointment that I am upset about. Just to give you a timeline my appointment was at 4:10 and I left at 4:45. At about 5:45 I was at home checking my email and eating my favorite Christmas cookie. (Corn flake wreaths with red hots.) Anyway, I wasn't paying attention and I bite the red hot with my front teeth. And guess what? I chipped my tooth. Yes, 1 hour after my appointment I chipped my tooth. Now I have to go back and get it fixed. Too bad I don't have dental insurance. Especially since I just paid $118 to get my teeth cleaned. Don't worry, because my company will pay me back at year end of the year.

Good thing is my dentist is cute! :)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

An Urgent Matter

Some of you may recall my post about changing the headlight in my boss's car. Well, my fixing talents did not end at fixing the headlight. The other day my co-worker comes out of the bathroom and mentions that the toilet doesn't flush. At first I kept my mouth shut, but I had a feeling that I knew what the problem was and could fix it. So, I mentioned that I could most likely fix the flushing problem.

My thoughts were right and I was able to fix the toilet. Honestly is was pretty easy, but it was only a temporary fix.

Tonight as I was driving home my co-worker called me to tell me that there was an urgent matter that they needed my help with and that I needed to come back to the office. My first thought was "Great, I need to go to the grocery store so I can get home and make dinner. I don't have time to go back to work." I asked "What could this urgent matter be?" - "Well, the toilet won't flush again." I just laughed and said I would be able to fix it tomorrow morning.

Maybe I need to put these types of things on my resume.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Duties of a Maid-of-Honor

This past Saturday my good friend Jen got married. I met her my freshman year of college. Several months ago she asked me to be her maid-of-honor. I wasn't expecting to be her maid-of-honor. During the planning stages I started preparing to plan a bridal shower, and a bachelorette party for Jen. After some discussions I realized that a bridal shower would be planned by her aunt and sister-in-law and that a bachelorette party would have to wait until fall. I didn't mind, but I felt like I wasn't honoring my duties as the maid-of-honor and I was not worthy of this position. I mentioned to Jen that she could trade me in for a new maid-of-honor and I would make the announcement before the ceremony on the correction in the program. She of course didn't agree with me, but I had to offer up the idea. I also have to realize that she lives in Duluth and I live in the cities. This does propose a challenge.

In the end, the wedding was beautiful. It was perfect! Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure. I do have to say one thing... I loved my hair!!!

On a side note: Motorider really surprised me. Normally, at least all the weddings that we have gone together - Motorider wears jeans and a nice shirt. I have given up on convincing him to wear dress pants. Anyway, I told Jen that I hope she didn't mind that Motorider would be wearing jeans to her wedding. (Of course she didn't care.) I was completely convinced that he would, but when we were packing to go - Motorider put out a shirt, tie, and dress pants. I couldn't believe it. Here is a picture of the two of us at the reception. Doesn't he look so good dressed up?

Monday, November 27, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

I can't believe that Thanksgiving is already over and we only have 4 weeks until Christmas. Motorider and I went to St. Cloud and celebrated this festive occasion with his family. We spent the day reviewing all the Black Friday ads and eating. I also did my annual trip to ShopKo with Mel (Motorider sister's) and Angie (Motoriders cousin). I am not a big fan of shopping on Black Friday. I usually like to avoid the crowds, but this year I couldn't go because I offered to babysit Hailey (Motorider's niece). Motorider's mom was nice enough to pick up a few things that I wanted.

Hailey and I spent the day playing, reading, going on a walk, and taking pictures. Here are a few pictures that we took. I have also included a family photo of Motorider and I. Enjoy!!

Remember that you can make comments on my blog. I have made it so you don't have to have an account to make a comment. I enjoy reading your comments and it will let me know that people enjoy reading my blog. I don't want to be writing this if no one is reading it.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Black Tongue

You are probably wondering why I titled this one black tongue, well it is quite the story. Last week I stayed home because I wasn't feeling to well. I caught that wonderful cold going around. (At least I am getting it over with early. ) Anyway, I woke up the next day and went to brush my teeth and my tongue was black. Yes, it was all black. I was trying not to over react, but I was really freaked out by it. It came off when I brushed it off with my toothbrush, but I couldn't think of what caused this. I had taken some night-quil capsules the night before, but they were green and why would it turn my tongue black. I asked MotoRider and he just hugged me and said that I might be dying and than went to work.

I got to work and it just so happened that a nurse was coming in to give us flu shots, so I asked her about my little problem. The good thing is that she solved my mystery. She told me that Pepto-Bismol has been known to make your tongue black. And guess what... I had taken a chewable tablet the night before.

I do apologize that I didn't take a picture of this great episode in my life.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Naughty Puppy

This weekend was pretty low-key for me. My goal was to clean the entire house, put up my christmas tree and holiday decorations. I actually cleaned most of the up-stairs. When I say most - I mean... closing the door to the office, so the rest of the upstairs looks clean. The office is my "winter project". I will probably have to have another garage sale this coming spring. If you didn't catch earlier... I didn't get to the christmas tree or holiday decorations.

Anyway... my story begins on Saturday morning. I woke up and let CrazyPuppy out to play with the neighbor dogs. CrazyPuppy usually stays in our yard or the neighbors and I occasionally yell out the window to make sure he hasn't strayed to far from the yard. (To our surprise CrazyPuppy has not wondered too far from mom or dad.) While CrazyPuppy was playing outside our little neighborhood girl (we refer to as Crazyeyes) came over and was playing with the dogs in our yards. I think she played with the dogs for a good 2 hours. I enjoyed having a babysitter to let Crazypuppy release some of his energy.

I happen to look out the window and noticed that Crazyeyes was walking CrazyPuppy towards the front door. It looked like she had him on a leash, but actually it was a ribbon she wrapped around his collar to bring him home. Than the doorbell rang and Crazyeyes tells me... "Nikki, your puppy was being naughty so I brought him home." I said... "Thank you" and she left with no explanation on why Crazypuppy was naughty. We sure do live in an interesting neighborhood that I wouldn't trade for the world.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Deer Hunting

This past weekend MotoRider went deer hunting. I went with him to Mora, but I spent the weekend doing girl stuff. The point of this blog is... Well maybe there isn't a point, but I need to capitalize on different parts of my life. This is really my first experience with hunting. My dad was never a hunter and the only other person I really knew that hunted was Kristin's dad. I do remember going to her house to see the deer hanging in the garage. Anyway, I digress...

This is what I know about deer hunting... Guys (and some gals) spend hundreds of dollars and time getting ready to hunt. They have to buy the right gun (and even than they want a bigger one.), bullets (which are quite spendy), deer tags (to allow you to kill a buck and a few does), and of course the fashionable orange gear. So, it is deer opener and this is what happens... Remember this is from a non-hunter perspective. You get up at 4:30am to meet for breakfast before sunrise. You walk into the woods (in the dark) to your deer stand (which is hoisted in a tree about 10 feet above the ground) and sit. Yes sit and wait. I have heard rumors that they occasional fall asleep. Not only are you just sitting the temperature outside ideally should be no warmer than 30 degrees. Than when someone shoots a deer in your party you wait until it dies and than have to go and gut it out. Yes, cut through the deers skin and bones and remove the insides. (This is not for the faint of heart.) Once you have that done, you drag it to the truck to be tagged and registered with the DNR. After that you can either process it yourself or take it to a professional butcher. This does not sound like any fun to me. I told Motorider that this can something he does on his own and I would not participate in this adventure. I think he was relieved.

Waking up early, sitting in a tree freezing to death, and waiting are definitely not my cup of tea. I am hoping for some pictures to capture these moments in the next two weekend hunting trips. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Friday, November 03, 2006

What would you do for your Boss?

Yesterday my boss took me and my co-workers out for our weekly lunch. As we were driving to our lunch destination... my boss was complaining that she needed to get her headlight fixed. So, I said..."That is easy... I could do that." My boss's reply..."Okay, we will stop and pick one up on the way back from work." Of course I was kind of nervous of her response. I had changed my Grand Am's and Camry's headlights, but every car is different. I read the manual and it didn't sound too difficult. The most scary part of the directions was when I needed to take out the entire headlight assembly. So, I called MotoRider (who is working about 1/2 mile from my work) and told him my plan and to be on call if I needed help.

We get back to the office and I notice I have left my purse at the restaurant. My co-worker says she will call and make sure it is there and that I will pick it up on my way home. I than realize that my keys are in my purse, so I have to get my purse now. The good thing is that I needed to go back that way because the stupid people at the auto parts store (which will remain nameless because they are not giving me advertising dollars to mention their name) to get the right one.

I borrow my other co-workers car and make the trip back to get my purse and exchange the headlight. Don't forget my boss's car is sitting in the parking lot with the headlight hanging off of it. Once I exchange the bulb for the correct one I start heading back to work. About 2 stoplights from the auto parts store I realize they gave me the high beam bulb and not the low beam bulb. Now I am frustrated and turn around and go back. I did learn that Yukan Denali's use the high beam bulb for both high/low beam headlights. (Just in case you needed to know.)

Once I am back at work - it takes me about 2 minutes to finish the process and now it is fixed. I am not sure if I would do it again, but at least I know I can do it without help. On a side note: Not only did I have Motorider as a back-up, my friend Rob (who fixes everyone's cars) works on the other corner of my office building making him back-up number 2.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween plus one day. I can't believe it is November and it is cold. This morning I woke up and saw that it was only 20 degrees out. You see, Motorider and I have a clock that projects the time and outdoor temperature on the ceiling. It really makes it hard to get out of bed when it is cold out.

I am not a big fan of dressing up for Halloween, but Nate enjoyed in the festivities this past weekend. He decided to dress up this year. On Friday night I went to pick him up and didn't recognize him. I had to ask our friend where he was and he was a few feet away. I actually think he could pull off this look in real life...