Thursday, November 30, 2006


I never thought that I would have blog about my dentist experience today, but as luck would have it I am. Actually, the appointment went well. No cavities and everything looks good. It is what happened after the appointment that I am upset about. Just to give you a timeline my appointment was at 4:10 and I left at 4:45. At about 5:45 I was at home checking my email and eating my favorite Christmas cookie. (Corn flake wreaths with red hots.) Anyway, I wasn't paying attention and I bite the red hot with my front teeth. And guess what? I chipped my tooth. Yes, 1 hour after my appointment I chipped my tooth. Now I have to go back and get it fixed. Too bad I don't have dental insurance. Especially since I just paid $118 to get my teeth cleaned. Don't worry, because my company will pay me back at year end of the year.

Good thing is my dentist is cute! :)

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