Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Duties of a Maid-of-Honor

This past Saturday my good friend Jen got married. I met her my freshman year of college. Several months ago she asked me to be her maid-of-honor. I wasn't expecting to be her maid-of-honor. During the planning stages I started preparing to plan a bridal shower, and a bachelorette party for Jen. After some discussions I realized that a bridal shower would be planned by her aunt and sister-in-law and that a bachelorette party would have to wait until fall. I didn't mind, but I felt like I wasn't honoring my duties as the maid-of-honor and I was not worthy of this position. I mentioned to Jen that she could trade me in for a new maid-of-honor and I would make the announcement before the ceremony on the correction in the program. She of course didn't agree with me, but I had to offer up the idea. I also have to realize that she lives in Duluth and I live in the cities. This does propose a challenge.

In the end, the wedding was beautiful. It was perfect! Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure. I do have to say one thing... I loved my hair!!!

On a side note: Motorider really surprised me. Normally, at least all the weddings that we have gone together - Motorider wears jeans and a nice shirt. I have given up on convincing him to wear dress pants. Anyway, I told Jen that I hope she didn't mind that Motorider would be wearing jeans to her wedding. (Of course she didn't care.) I was completely convinced that he would, but when we were packing to go - Motorider put out a shirt, tie, and dress pants. I couldn't believe it. Here is a picture of the two of us at the reception. Doesn't he look so good dressed up?

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