Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Deer Hunting

This past weekend MotoRider went deer hunting. I went with him to Mora, but I spent the weekend doing girl stuff. The point of this blog is... Well maybe there isn't a point, but I need to capitalize on different parts of my life. This is really my first experience with hunting. My dad was never a hunter and the only other person I really knew that hunted was Kristin's dad. I do remember going to her house to see the deer hanging in the garage. Anyway, I digress...

This is what I know about deer hunting... Guys (and some gals) spend hundreds of dollars and time getting ready to hunt. They have to buy the right gun (and even than they want a bigger one.), bullets (which are quite spendy), deer tags (to allow you to kill a buck and a few does), and of course the fashionable orange gear. So, it is deer opener and this is what happens... Remember this is from a non-hunter perspective. You get up at 4:30am to meet for breakfast before sunrise. You walk into the woods (in the dark) to your deer stand (which is hoisted in a tree about 10 feet above the ground) and sit. Yes sit and wait. I have heard rumors that they occasional fall asleep. Not only are you just sitting the temperature outside ideally should be no warmer than 30 degrees. Than when someone shoots a deer in your party you wait until it dies and than have to go and gut it out. Yes, cut through the deers skin and bones and remove the insides. (This is not for the faint of heart.) Once you have that done, you drag it to the truck to be tagged and registered with the DNR. After that you can either process it yourself or take it to a professional butcher. This does not sound like any fun to me. I told Motorider that this can something he does on his own and I would not participate in this adventure. I think he was relieved.

Waking up early, sitting in a tree freezing to death, and waiting are definitely not my cup of tea. I am hoping for some pictures to capture these moments in the next two weekend hunting trips. I guess we will just have to wait and see.


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