Wednesday, November 29, 2006

An Urgent Matter

Some of you may recall my post about changing the headlight in my boss's car. Well, my fixing talents did not end at fixing the headlight. The other day my co-worker comes out of the bathroom and mentions that the toilet doesn't flush. At first I kept my mouth shut, but I had a feeling that I knew what the problem was and could fix it. So, I mentioned that I could most likely fix the flushing problem.

My thoughts were right and I was able to fix the toilet. Honestly is was pretty easy, but it was only a temporary fix.

Tonight as I was driving home my co-worker called me to tell me that there was an urgent matter that they needed my help with and that I needed to come back to the office. My first thought was "Great, I need to go to the grocery store so I can get home and make dinner. I don't have time to go back to work." I asked "What could this urgent matter be?" - "Well, the toilet won't flush again." I just laughed and said I would be able to fix it tomorrow morning.

Maybe I need to put these types of things on my resume.

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