Friday, November 03, 2006

What would you do for your Boss?

Yesterday my boss took me and my co-workers out for our weekly lunch. As we were driving to our lunch destination... my boss was complaining that she needed to get her headlight fixed. So, I said..."That is easy... I could do that." My boss's reply..."Okay, we will stop and pick one up on the way back from work." Of course I was kind of nervous of her response. I had changed my Grand Am's and Camry's headlights, but every car is different. I read the manual and it didn't sound too difficult. The most scary part of the directions was when I needed to take out the entire headlight assembly. So, I called MotoRider (who is working about 1/2 mile from my work) and told him my plan and to be on call if I needed help.

We get back to the office and I notice I have left my purse at the restaurant. My co-worker says she will call and make sure it is there and that I will pick it up on my way home. I than realize that my keys are in my purse, so I have to get my purse now. The good thing is that I needed to go back that way because the stupid people at the auto parts store (which will remain nameless because they are not giving me advertising dollars to mention their name) to get the right one.

I borrow my other co-workers car and make the trip back to get my purse and exchange the headlight. Don't forget my boss's car is sitting in the parking lot with the headlight hanging off of it. Once I exchange the bulb for the correct one I start heading back to work. About 2 stoplights from the auto parts store I realize they gave me the high beam bulb and not the low beam bulb. Now I am frustrated and turn around and go back. I did learn that Yukan Denali's use the high beam bulb for both high/low beam headlights. (Just in case you needed to know.)

Once I am back at work - it takes me about 2 minutes to finish the process and now it is fixed. I am not sure if I would do it again, but at least I know I can do it without help. On a side note: Not only did I have Motorider as a back-up, my friend Rob (who fixes everyone's cars) works on the other corner of my office building making him back-up number 2.

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