Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Final Painting Pictures

Here are the pictures I took the next day. I am so excited for Nate to come home and see what it looks like in person. Now, I just love to sit in the living room and look at the walls. The upstairs has a whole new feel. I am very happy with the results. I hope you enjoy it too.
We still need to put on a few more coats on the red wall, but it will do for a few more months. Now, all I have to do is put up all my pictures. I am hoping that Nate and I can do that in a few weeks.
The red wraps into the kitchen above the cabinets. I still have to get used to how much warmer the rooms look in the evening. I feel more at home now that we don't have hospital walls.
We still need to replace the light in the entryway. I found one that I like, so I am hoping Nate will like it too!
Here is a picture of the bathroom. It was hard to take a nice picture, so you will just have to come over and see it in person. All I have to find is a new shower curtain.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Lookin Good!