Friday, March 09, 2007

A Little Surprise

I thought I would let everyone know that we had a little scare a few nights ago. I started bleeding 2 nights ago, so the doctor recommended that I have an ultrasound. Yesterday I went in for a ultra sound and the good news is that everything looks good. We are not sure where the bleeding came from, but we have ruled out the bleeding is coming from the baby. I want to thank everyone who has been praying for us these past few days. It has been scary, but I am doing well today after a good nights sleep. The good news is that we have our first pictures of our baby earlier than we thought.

The baby is exactly measuring at 12 1/2 weeks and everything looks wonderful. It was really amazing to watch our baby moving and kicking around on the monitor.

I will try to post the pictures this weekend.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's great news! Could you tell if it was a boy or a girl, or is it too early for that, or do you just not want to know?