Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Music To My Ears

Today was my 12 week appointment. (That is 3 months in none pregnant terms.) I finally understand why everyone who is pregnant or with a pregnant person relates to how far they are in weeks. I hated that because I wanted to know months. How close are you to 9 months? That made more sense to me. Now, I understand that every week is almost like a victory to us pregnant women. I can't wait until I am 13 weeks or 20 weeks, etc...

I hope that you find my blog from here on out a place that you can find out what is happening in my life. I promise I won't talk about my pregnancy the whole time, but at least know that here is where you can find out what is going on. After the baby is born you will be able to find fun stories and pictures.

Okay - back to my original blog topic. (Music to my ears.) First and foremost sometimes I wish I was a guy. Why? Try peeing into a cup and not getting it on your fingers. Guys - they just aim and they are done. No wet hands and a full cup. Me on the other hand. I just pray that I have enough pee that will end up in the cup. Before I had to pee in a cup once a year. Now, it is every appointment. I hope I am a pro at the end of this pregnancy. I was going to leave out this part of the story, but my co-worker thought it would be good to put it in. So, here is the details of my peeing in a cup experience. I started the procedure and had to stop to check to make sure that the pee was actually going in the cup. (It was!!!) So, I guessed what would be a good amount, but not too much to give as a sample. When I was done I noticed that a piece of Cody's hair got into the sample. I have two options. 1. Leave the dog hair for the nurse and see her reaction. (She might think I am giving birth to a dog.) 2. Try to fish the hair out of the sample with my fingers. Of course I chose option 2.

I am pretty sure every woman worries about their unborn baby. I was kind of nervous right before my appointment. (The nurse had to tell me to relax because my blood pressure was 150/?, but than I relaxed it was 120/78.) It didn't help that I had a dream we couldn't find the heartbeat. So, it was time to find it. After what seemed like forever we found the heartbeat. Strongly beating away at about 160 beats/minute. (Now some may argue that a girl has a faster heart beat. We will just have to wait and see.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wait until you can't even see down there to know where to place the cup...and let's face it you won't be able to reach very well either.