Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Am I the only mother? Updated

It's Official

The other exciting news in our family is that Nate has joined the Mayer Fire Department. Monday he had his first training with the department. He got to drive all the fire trucks and learn about all the buttons and gauges. He was like a little kid in a candy store. He also has been waiting for his first "FIRE CALL". 80% of the Mayer fire calls are actually medical emergencies and not fires. Last night his pager went off and he was out the door in 2 seconds... he was the second at the station since we do live 2 blocks away. Unfortunately the call was canceled so now we have wait for the next call. He will start his fire fighting classes in September.

Am I the Only Mother? UPDATE:
After another night of high temperatures... we brought Kaitlyn into the doctor. The jury is still out, but we are pretty confident she has a bladder infection. While in the doctor's office... he tells me he will need a urine sample from Kaitlyn... Not knowing all the medical procedures I ask... "And how do you get a urine sample from a baby?" I know we can't just hold her over a cup and pray she pees into it. The doctor than tells me she will need a catheter... okay, now I am wishing Nate was there... I was thinking this would only be a ear infection and already starting to say NO to tubes... I was not expecting urine extraction.... After a few minutes the tests came back with a possible bladder infection. Today they are growing the bacteria on a petrie dish... just like in science class... to determine what kind of bacteria. Once these results are in... we will discuss further steps with the doctor. We may need to bring her in for an ultrasound of her kidney's to see if everything is in working order since Bladder infections are not typical in children under the age of 3.

Am I the Only Mother?

Am I the only mother? I ask this open ended question because I feel that parenting is mostly trial and error. (and questioning?) Here is my most recent dilemma. Kaitlyn is 11 months old and toothless. This being said... I am not sure what her body will do when her first tooth comes in... will she be crabby, have a temp., red cheeks, up all night, etc... Last night after our evening walk I noticed she was very warm. After taking her temperature 3 times it was confirmed she had a fever. (101.6) I gave her some Motrin and put her to bed. (Praying she would sleep through the night.) Of course, God didn't answer my prayers the way I wanted them to be answered... and she woke up around 1:30am... approx. the time the Motrin wore off... I checked her temp again... still 101.6... Gave her some Tylenol. Of course every 30 minutes after that she would wake up and be sitting up in her crib. After about 3 times of this routine... I broke and let her sleep with us. So, here is where my questions start... do I bring her to the doctor when they open? (Last time she spiked a temp. she had double ear infections.) Or do I wait? Well, both scenarios played out in my head all morning... My daycare said I could bring her with a fever... she was happy and smiley all morning. I decided to wait... and see how the day went... No calls from daycare and when I finally did call... her fever was gone without additional medication... Hopefully it was just part of her teething process.... but... am I the only one who questions what to do?

I think this is the hardest part of parenting... guessing and trusting your instincts. It doesn't help that I worry about everything... Good thing Nate doesn't worry because when he is worried... you might as well send me to the hospital too.

Here is Kaitlyn on her new toy she got from Grandma and Grandpa. She thinks she is such a big girl. I can't believe next month she will be one.

This past weekend we went to Mora for the Kanabec county fair. Friday night Nate and I went to the Motocross race, while Kaitlyn played with her cousins. Here is cousin Hailey feeding Kaitlyn dinner. She is going to be a great babysitter one day.


Mindi said...

Hey Nikki
You are not the only one who goes through this. You really need to trust you gut feeling. I have taken Avry to the Doctor three times in one week. It is a good thing our Doctor likes us.
Avry didn't get teeth until she was 13 monthes.

Mama Wonder said...

Nope, we all feel the same way.

BTW, Back Seat Girl had a bladder infection when she was about the same age and had the ultrasound. Everything turned out fine, so maybe it is more common than we think.

Little's said...

I am so glad to read someone else goes through the same thing. My husband works 3rd shift so I always call him and he tells me to relax...good thing we are opposites