Thursday, July 10, 2008

Up North!

Our first family vacation was a huge success. I wish it wasn't over... next year we are taking the whole week. Our vacation started on Friday the 4th. We left in the morning for Mora. We dropped Cody off with my dad, made sure Thomas had enough food and water... and left on our journey north. We spent the 4th of July with the in-laws. It was so much fun! We parked in the Cambridge Target parking lot... to watch the fireworks. (Target got a lot of my business while we waited.) Kaitlyn stayed up the whole time and loved all the colors in the sky. Grandma and Kaitlyn watching the fireworks. She also loved spending time with her Aunty Mandi and her cousins.It is really hard to get 3 kids under 4 to look at the camera at the same time. This is the best picture of all the ones I took. As you can see from this picture. Nate loves taking pictures with me as you can tell. I think he is burnt out from all the wedding pictures. Saturday we left in the afternoon for the cabin near Nisswa. Kaitlyn stayed with Grandma and Grandpa while mommy and daddy got things situated at the cabin and could enjoy an evening with out baby.

Kaitlyn loved swimming in her new floaty! She figured out that she could touch the bottom and move around the shallow part by herself. She loved chasing after her cousins in the water. Sunday night Kaitlyn got to spend the night with her cousins... Thank you to Aunty Mandi for giving mommy and daddy another night off.

Kaitlyn loved to play in the water and eat the sand and suck on the rocks. She is pretty quick to get it up to her mouth.

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