Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Forgot to Add

Okay - As I am sitting at my desk... working!?! More and more blog topics started entering my brain... So, I am going to tell you about them only because I am behind on Kaitlyn's baby book and this blog is starting to be Kaitlyn's baby book. (Or my memory holding pot until I can write in her baby book.)

One of the hardest part of being a parent happened to us last night. First I need to give you a little history on why we had to be "bad" parents last night... or some could say "good" parents. Last week Kaitlyn decided she didn't want to sleep by herself at 3 in the morning. This lead to her not wanting to fall asleep by herself in her crib... The last 2 nights every time we would put her in her crib she would cry... So last night we had to start breaking her of this new routine. (7 days ago... she fell asleep by herself in her crib.) Anyway, last night we had to let Kaitlyn cry herself to sleep... we have a video baby monitor... so we watched her cry and just stare at the door... waiting for us to come get her... We didn't. (I have to say having Nate there... made it a lot easier on the both of us.) After about 25 minutes she fell asleep. I have heard it usually takes 3 nights to break habits... so we will see how tonight goes. (I am crossing my fingers.)
To be honest... I have now forgotten all the topics I wanted to blog about... Wait... here is one. It is not official as of right now, but Nate is going to join the Mayer Fire Department. He had his interview last night so now all he needs to do is get a physical and get approval from the city council. I am very excited about this because my dad was firefighter growing up. (My dad is also very excited to have his son-in-law follow in his footsteps.)

Another new thing is that Kaitlyn is now on formula. I have decided that I am done pumping. I am very excited about this decision and it is one less bag I need to remember in the morning. I still feed Kaitlyn in the morning and before bed, but she gets formula during the day. She loves it or doesn't know the difference.
Here is a picture of my sister, papa, Kaitlyn, and I on our boat on Father's day. (Nate is taking the picture and driving the boat.)
Kaitlyn and Grandpa a great buds now. Kaitlyn loves to go over to Grandpa's house to play with his cats and of course see Aunty Anny. (FYI- I stole a lot of these pictures from my sister.)

One last thing... SOLID FOODS. This is one of the hardest things for me to do so far as a parent. I am not very good at introducing new foods and adding more solids. She loves cheerios and those infant star puffs. Yesterday she had cheese and watermelon at my Aunt and Uncles... I am okay with other people giving her new solid foods because than I don't have to! Every time I go to the doctor I tell them how horrible I am at this part... They must think I am so strange.

Speaking of the doctor... Kaitlyn decided to hold onto her double ear infections for 6 weeks. It took 2 oral antibiotics, 3 doctors trips, and 2 shots to get rid of the infection. (The doctor pretty much told me that we have used every oral antibiotic out there and if the shots don't work... it is off to a specialist.) The shots seem to be working... so I am keeping my fingers crossed that we don't need to see a specialist.

Disclaimer on the picture above! I was not with Kaitlyn... my mom and sister thought it would be funny to pretend that they gave her a chip to eat. They were so cleaver that they broke a piece off to make it look like she actually had some.

Well - I think that is all I wanted to add... unless I remember more later. LOL!

1 comment:

Mindi said...

I hate to say this, but Avry still doesn't want to sleep in her own big girl bed. Trust me we went through the same thing. They take a few steps forward and then a few steps back.