Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Helpful or Not Helpful?

Where do I start? Last week we dealt with a high temp for 2 days... a doctors visit... possible bladder infection (or UTI in the medical world) to the most current... Rash, and crabby, highly emotional baby. Here is where I left off... Saturday evening I noticed Kaitlyn had a rash that covered her entire torso and her face. My first thought is allergic reaction to the antibiotic. (Side note: Lab results did not show any bacteria growth which equals no UTI or Bladder infection.) I tried calling a pharmacy, but soon realized that they were all closed by 8:15pm. Ugh! So my second choice was call the nurse line... I called earlier in the week about Kaitlyn's temperature... they suggested to contact my doctor within 18 hours. (Disclaimer on Nurse line: They will always recommend you contact your doctor within a certain amount of time... they don't want to be held liable for anything that happens. I try to use my motherly instinct to determine the appropriate reaction.) After giving the nurse line the specifics on Kaitlyn's rash and medical problems... their response... (suggestion)... take Kaitlyn to the nearest ER immediately. What? I am watching her play, laugh, smile, and enjoying the world as we speak. After hanging up and assuring them I would take appropriate action I decided to call my friends mom. (A pediatric nurse) She said that her rash could be a reaction from the antibiotic or from her fever. (Infants can develop a rash after a viral high fever.) My thoughts... viral fever with rash.

Sunday was not a good day in the McNeilly household. Kaitlyn was so crabby... What happened to my smiley happy baby girl? Plus - she only wanted me (her mommy) which is cute, but can get tiresome after a few days. Sunday night was even worse... she was up all night... actually from 2:30 until 5:45am. She went to bed just in-time for us to get up... I made the executive decision to sleep in. At the end of Monday after staying home and comforting my crabby baby... she started to return to her normal self. Last night she slept almost all the way through the night, woke up happier, and she has two little white bumps on her gums. (Teething?) The jury is still out, but it is looking like we may have an answer to the crabbiness.

I guess the bottom line is to trust your instincts and only take the nurse lines advice as an opinion in which it has a big disclosure.
Here is Kaitlyn enjoying some time in her new pool. The water was a little cold, but we both got used to it pretty quickly.
This picture was too cute not to post! Enjoy!

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