Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Camping Adventures

We have really tried to plan several camping trips this summer so we can use our new camper as much as we can before we have to put it away until next year.  I am already not looking forward to that day.  I love our camper and enjoy all the family time we have experienced so far this summer.

At the end of June we went to South Isle campground in Isle, MN.  We have stayed at this campground several times over the years.  Here are some pictures from our weekend.
Our camper all set-up for the weekend.

Cousin Hailey and Kaitlyn playing at the park!


Cousin Gibson trying on Kaitlyn's bike helmet.
Gibson riding Kaitlyn's Bike.

Uncle Mike and Uncle Sam playing Bean bags.

Grandpa Tim and Daddy playing bean bags.

Cousin Gibson, Kaitlyn, Hailey, and Darren riding the train.

Time for the tractor ride!

Gavin and Grandpa

Being Silly!

Gibson and Kaitlyn being silly!

This past weekend we headed to Two Rivers Campground in Rice, MN.  It was my first time here.  It was a great campground and beautiful.  They actually have 2 camping areas.  The upper section which is where we stayed and the lower section.  The lower section is beautiful because it is surrounded by 2 rivers.  The Mississippi and some other smaller river. (Sorry I don't know the name of it.)  We spent a long weekend with family and beautiful weather.
Our camper ready for the weekend at Two Rivers.
Kaitlyn and Gavin

Uncle Mike and Grandpa

Cody relaxing!  The kids loved to take him for walks around the campground.

Kaitlyn so excited to be camping with her cousins.

Going down the waterslide!  It was the highlight of the pool.

Kaitlyn and Hailey in the kiddie pool.

Gavin swimming... actually not swimming.  He preferred to walk around more than play in the water.

Cousin Darren floating in the pool.

Gavin in the pool!

Gavin and Cousin Darren playing!

Gavin a little too excited to be hitting his auntie Mandi with a stick.

Cousin Angie and Gavin!

A fun ride around the campground. 

One of the rivers at the campground.

We tried swimming in the river.

Aunty Mel buried Gavin's legs in the sand.

Gibson and Gavin!

Swimming in the river.

The river I can't remember the name of.  The campground allows you to tube down this river.  You take a bus several miles up stream and they drop you off with your tubes.  Than you float down the river back to the campground.  It was a lot of fun.  Angie, Jaren, Big Kaitlyn, Alex, Nate, and I all took the 2 hour float down the river.  We had so much fun.  We enjoyed the great ab workout during all the rapids, the tree branches we tried to avoid on the shoreline, and all the laughs that came with it.  We can't wait to do that again!

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