Monday, August 20, 2012

Summer Vacation Part 2

Since my last post started to get too long... I thought I would continue with a new post.  Kamp Dels had so many planned activities for Easter week.  We tried to participate in all of them.  Here are a few things we did:
Collecting the 10 Easter eggs!

Opening our prize bags.

The next day they had an egg roll competition. 

Getting ready to push the egg with a spoon in my mouth.  It was harder than it looked.

Kaitlyn decided using her hands was much easier.

Another fun activity they have is pony rides around the campground.  Kaitlyn loved this so much, she ended up going three times while we were there.  Here she is on her first pony Sunny.  She rode Cody (not our dog) the second time.  We didn't take any pictures because that time we video taped the ride.

Here Kaitlyn is on Mike. 

Kaitlyn saying goodbye to Mike after her ride.

Daddy and Kaitlyn on a paddle boat ride while Gavin took a nap and Mommy worked.

Heading out into the distance.

Getting ready for dinner!

Kaitlyn on her bike.

Taking Gavin for a stroll.

Thursday our friends The Lueth's arrived!

Family photo!

Sara and Liesl

Liesl and Gavin loved walking up this hill. 

We had a great vacation at Kamp Dels.  We can't wait to go back next year.

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